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Assunto: Economic development

Por que o Brasil cresce pouco?: desigualdade, democracia e baixo crescimento no país do futuro /
Região & desenvolvimento no capitalismo contemporâneo : uma interpretação crítica /
Estados e moedas no desenvolvimento das nações /
Tigers, rice, silk, and silt [electronic resource] : environment and economy in late imperial south China /
Development betrayed [electronic resource] : the end of progress and a coevolutionary revisioning of the future /
Economy-environment-development-knowledge [electronic resource] /
Economic growth human welfare and environmental sustainability [electronic resource] : the prospects for green growth /
The environmental consequences of growth [electronic resource] : steady-state economics as an alternative to ecological decline /
Arms trade and economic development [electronic resource] : theory, policy and cases in arms trade offsets /
Entrepreneurship [electronic resource] : a new perspective /
Rethinking development geographies [electronic resource] /
Capitalist development in the twentieth century [electronic resource] : an evolutionary-Keynesian analysis /
Underdevelopment [electronic resource] : a strategy for reform /
A theory of economic growth [electronic resource] : dynamics and policy in overlapping generations /
The demographic dividend [electronic resource] : a new perspective on the economic consequences of population change /
The role of social capital in development [electronic resource] : an empirical assessment /
Economic policy in the international economy [electronic resource] : essays in honor of Assaf Razin /
Public participation in sustainability science [electronic resource] : a handbook /
Military expenditures and economic growth [electronic resource] /
Africa's elusive quest for development [electronic resource] /

Assunto: Women

Autor: ProQuest (Firm)

Economic evolution and revolution in historical time [electronic resource] /
Gridlock [electronic resource] : labor, migration, and human trafficking in Dubai /
Kantian ethics and economics [electronic resource] : autonomy, dignity, and character /
Minority business success [electronic resource] : refocusing on the American dream /
Inside man [electronic resource] : the discipline of modeling human ways of being /
Protecting mobile money against financial crimes [electronic resource] : global policy challenges and solutions /
Financial management information systems [electronic resource] : 25 years of World Bank experience on what works and what doesn't.
Climate impacts on energy systems [electronic resource] : key issues for energy sector adaptation /
Special economic zones in Africa [electronic resource] : comparing performance and learning from global experiences /
Expanding access to finance [electronic resource] : good practices and policies for micro, small, and medium enterprises /
Accountability through public opinion [electronic resource] : from inertia to public action /
Annuities and other retirement products [electronic resource] : designing the payout phase /
Leveraging migration for Africa [electronic resource] : remittances, skills, and investments /
U.S. Steel and Gary, West Virginia [electronic resource] : corporate paternalism in Appalachia /
Quantum trading [electronic resource] : using principles from W.D. Gann and modern physics to forecast the financial markets /
Forecasting and management of technology [electronic resource] /
The art of capital restructuring [electronic resource] : creating shareholder value through mergers and acquisitions /
The Vega factor [electronic resource] : oil volatility and the next global crisis /
Taming the beast [electronic resource] : Wall Street's imperfect answers to making money /
Financial statement analysis workbook [electronic resource] : step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master financial statement analysis /


Formato: Ebook Central

Economic evolution and revolution in historical time [electronic resource] /
Gridlock [electronic resource] : labor, migration, and human trafficking in Dubai /
Kantian ethics and economics [electronic resource] : autonomy, dignity, and character /
Minority business success [electronic resource] : refocusing on the American dream /
Inside man [electronic resource] : the discipline of modeling human ways of being /
Protecting mobile money against financial crimes [electronic resource] : global policy challenges and solutions /
Financial management information systems [electronic resource] : 25 years of World Bank experience on what works and what doesn't.
Climate impacts on energy systems [electronic resource] : key issues for energy sector adaptation /
Special economic zones in Africa [electronic resource] : comparing performance and learning from global experiences /
Expanding access to finance [electronic resource] : good practices and policies for micro, small, and medium enterprises /
Accountability through public opinion [electronic resource] : from inertia to public action /
Annuities and other retirement products [electronic resource] : designing the payout phase /
Leveraging migration for Africa [electronic resource] : remittances, skills, and investments /
U.S. Steel and Gary, West Virginia [electronic resource] : corporate paternalism in Appalachia /
Quantum trading [electronic resource] : using principles from W.D. Gann and modern physics to forecast the financial markets /
Forecasting and management of technology [electronic resource] /
The art of capital restructuring [electronic resource] : creating shareholder value through mergers and acquisitions /
The Vega factor [electronic resource] : oil volatility and the next global crisis /
Taming the beast [electronic resource] : Wall Street's imperfect answers to making money /
Financial statement analysis workbook [electronic resource] : step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master financial statement analysis /

Formato: Períodico

Hurtus Fluminensis
As notícias da aministração federal
Produtividade industrial do trabalho e intensidade tecnológica nas regiões do Brasil : uma análise regional e setorial para o período 1996-2007
Qualidade educacional nos municípios nordestinos : evidências a partir do Prova Brasil 2005
Pobreza e meio ambiente : o caso dos municípios paranaenses
Planejamento do transporte rodoviário em Minas Gerais : uma análise de equilíbrio geral computável incorporando o custo dos acidentes para as rodovias BR-381, BR-262 e BR-116
Incentivos governamentais em PPP : uma análise por opções reais
O que revelam os estudos realizados no Brasil sobre política de dividendos?
Associação entre sistema de incentivos gerenciais e práticas de contabilidade gerencial
Vantagem competitiva, criação de valor e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho
Responsabilidade social corporativa e desenvolvimento sustentável : olhares habermasianos
Gifted : the monolingualism of corporate social responsability
Pessoa com deficiência intelectual : a nova “ralé” das organizações do trabalho
Flexibilidade e modelagem de processos de negócio : uma relação multidimensional
Consumer culture theory (CCT) já é uma escola de pensamento em marketing?
Contrato de trabajo, compromiso y satisfacción : moderación de la empleabilidad
Recursos, controle e autonomia na gestão internacional de serviços de uma empresa de TI e subsidiárias
Competitividade das nações : análise da métrica utilizada pelo World Economic Forum
Dividendos e efeito clientela : evidências no mercado brasileiro
Tele communs versus tele services publics : vers des services publics collaboratifs en ligne